I was talking to someone after my Bible study class and was reminded just how nutso the fundamentalist right wing nutjobs really are. Zealots, "the faithful," "true Christians," whatever you prefer.
She was railing against President Obama, gays, and pretty much everything I stand for. I've always believed that Jesus wants us to love our neighbor, but this woman was totally hateful in her venom spitting tirade. Scary mary. :P
What always astounds me when I find myself in this sort of situation is just how ignorant and clueless and thoughtless people are. I was clearly uncomfortable, but I doubt she noticed.
One of our lessons this year has been about encouraging one another, having compassion, not making others "stumble in their faith," but she must have missed that week. I still feel terrible.
Of course, I'll pray for her, but I'm sure she thinks I'm going straight to hell for my beliefs.
Gonna try to give her the benefit of a doubt and think maybe she was sooooo carried away she didn't get it. But I don't think that is the case.
Whatever, it's her problem, not mine.
I find this to be true among many who say they support openness, tolerance, and diversity. It is quite sad that these people cannot walk the talk. *sigh*
Hope you are well. :D
It's such a shame people can be so closed minded. They chose to see the world in only one way. Diversity makes this world interesting, otherwise we would all be the same boring people. Don't let her get you down, Jana.
Thanks girls! Your comments mean a lot. I've gotten over it by now, but now I realize that I need to just get the heck out of there after class and NOT stay for the lecture. The one that does the lectures is a whole other story for another entry! lol
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