Monday, January 05, 2009

Helloooooo again! Long time, no see!

You might have noticed a change in format here. I've exported my other blog, to be included here. I am "retiring" my Tmobile MDA at some point and am trying to consolidate the mobile blogs. You might have also noticed different formats for some of the photos. Some were sent from my smartphone, some from the MDA, depending on which blog they are from.

I've recently upgraded to a Blackberry (again, yay!) and will be using that from now on. In fact, I'm using it now and will post something from it shortly as a test.

Speaking of Blackberry....I had a RIM Blackberry pager yeeeears ago and really had some fun with it. I had it mainly to communicate with all of my deaf customers. Then Wyndtell started screwing around with the service, the chats, etc, and most of us jumped ship to TMobile and started using Sidekicks. Yeah, they were cool, too, but mine eventually stopped charging, so I upgraded to the HTC MDA, which I loved/still love. But since I upgraded my smartphone phone to a BB, I find I don't need the MDA anymore. The BB does it all, and this way I can save some money.

The process of switching over has been a bit of a trial. I had to uninstall and reinstall the BB desktop manager software to enable the sync with the MDA contacts, etc, to the BB. The simple SIM card switch from my phone was easy, but I found I had lots of contacts on the MDA that I didn't want to laboriously type in. But it might have been easier to just do that, since I spent all day yesterday getting the software to work! Turns out you need to downgrade the software to make it work. I checked lots of forums and I wasn't the only one having the problem of "not being connected to the internet" when trying to sync. The problem has been ongoing for over a year and I guess they (RIM) don't find it necessary to fix the problem.

But hey, I didn't sit down here to whine and moan. LOL

Hard to believe it's 2009 already. I saw a good comic about that this morning, and the response was to hand them a calendar and tell them to spot the pattern. :P

Without further ado.....

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