Tuesday, March 10, 2009


First I read that U2 isn't planning on St Louis this fall....yet Although, there's always hope. If they did what Genesis did in 2005/6/7/whenever, they will add various legs from time to time. Maybe I'll get lucky again. (sure was a PITA what G did though-you'd like to plan, but can't really, because you don't have all the dates/venues.) I was lucky enough to be able to see all three shows in Chicago, only because it is fairly close and I was able to meet up with some Paperlaters. A wonderful time was had by most! (jeeze, that's a whole other story that I won't really get into here, but check out ssudio.livejournal.com if you're curious. Hopefully the really mean, nasty post is still "private." But if not, oh well, and it's probably time the person knows what people *really* think of her. :P)


Second thing is that my U2.com email is broken. I'm not sure what the dealio is, perhaps they are doing maintenance or the server is swamped because of the tour announcement. I can't get to the site to check.

Third thing is.....um....well....I'd like to upgrade the software on my phone, but I just can't quite get up the nerve to do so. LOL I read on the forums about how easy it is, etc, etc, etc, then the next post is "OMG I frakked my phone completely! What do I do now?" So, you can see my dilemna.....or maybe you can't.

Back to the mail...there's only about 500 waiting for me on one account, hard telling how many elsewhere.

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